A trip to Perry…and a long weekend recap…

For the first part of Labor Day weekend, Robert and I loaded up the truck with furniture that once fit in our three bedroom house that will no longer fit in our two bedroom apartment, and headed to Perry! The McLendon’s are graciously housing our furniture in their garage (which means we can stop paying for a garage here) and hopefully some family members can use it while we are living the apartment lifestyle!

We so enjoyed our visit. One of my favorite things about going to Perry is we get good quality time with each other (such my love language!) We enjoyed visiting in different settings with Mimi and Dindi, Uncle Chip, Louis & Tesa and kids, Bristol and finally meeting the new addition to the family, little Chloe! (All pictures are courtesy of Marynan McLendon and her new camera!)

Chloe was born in March and we had yet to see her, so that was quite exciting! We had a great time with Marynan and Tood, Todd’s brother, Lee and his son Caden-such a cutie!- and absolutely loved hanging out with McMom and McDad. We even went to Circuit City together–and ended up purchasing 3 cameras between all of us. McDad asked if I worked for Circuit City and if I was getting commission since it was my idea to go–dang, such a good idea! Robert and I have been looking for a tiny camera so that I don’t always have to put our new wonderful video camera at risk–so expect more random pictures on the blog in the future. No worries–the video camera still travels with us and captures those precious family memories so you will see those on here as well!

Saturday night Robert spoke at First Love (see previous blog for details) and enjoyed seeing all that were there–especially Charlie-we love you! We headed home Sunday morning to worship with our new Body–which we are enjoying! We didn’t have youth Sunday night due to Labor Day weekend-so we enjoyed some leisure time together. Well, Robert would not use the word “leisure.” We decided to hike Kennesaw Mountain together and put our new camera and all it’s features to work while on the hike!

We so enjoyed a great weekend with family and friends. We pray that you will make time to spend that quality time with those that you love. Thank you for being someone special in our lives!

One Reply to “A trip to Perry…and a long weekend recap…”

  1. We ALWAYS love the company of you two! Sorry I couldn’t be part of the RummyCube this time, though — but I sure enjoyed the laughter coming from the floor!

    I also love the new look of the blog. Wish I had thought of it first.

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