Anyone know what Whirlyball is????? Here’s some pictures to give you a hint:
Give up? Well tonight we had our first introduction to Whirlyball with about 100 of our closest friends! Here’s the definition from their website at Jimmy’s Mad Mad Whirled: Whirlyball, the world’s only totally mechanized team sport. Whirlyball is a combination of basketball, hockey and jai-lai played atop electrically-powered machines, resembling bumper cars. The game appeal is universal, cutting down most of the common barriers in sports. Old and young, male and female, athletic and not-so-athletic all are equalized during a play. The WhirlyBugs (electrically-powered unique bumper cars) equalize people of all ages, including children, business professionals and spouses. Whirlyball has been successful in the US and Canada over the last 20 years and is constantly adding new centers around the country.
We also played lazertag and jumped on big inflatable thingys…..and Kathy and I found it appropriate to dress in all black and wear red bandannas –you know–to be intimidating :)! Enjoy the pictures from tonight! I’m heading to bed now that I’m exhausted! 🙂
Some of my 6th grade girls! Aren’t they precious!