We’re Expecting

So… Kristin decided she was going to accept a challenge from a fellow-blogger to blog everyday in the month of November. She did a great job, and I vowed not to write a blog for the entire month of November. So… Now I’m back.

If you’ve been reading Kristin’s bloggings then you’ve seen that we have been entertaining the idea of getting a puppy. We’ve decided that if we were going to get a dog, it would be a Basset Hound. They are small, play well with other pets, and they are calm inside dogs.

A week ago, Kristin and I saw an ad in the AJC and I called to see if they had any puppies. All of the puppies from the advertised litter were gone, but they just had another litter. We decided to wait a week while we were in Richmond Hill for Thanksgiving to see if we really wanted a puppy or if it was just a phase for us. It didn’t help that as soon as we got there Kristin’s sister was talking about getting a puppy… And they did. A cute little boxer.

Kristin and I returned from Richmond Hill, and gave the breeders a call to see if we could check out the puppies. Needless to say, we went to see the puppies and 30 minutes later, we made a deposit to reserve a two week old female basset hound puppy… SUCKERS!!!

Here are some pictures…

One Week Old:

Puppy With Siblings – Two Weeks Old:

Me And Puppy – Two Weeks Old:

3 Replies to “We’re Expecting”

  1. I love dogs!!

    P.S. interesting title…

  2. great! now we know where to send the girls when they want to play with a puppy 🙂

  3. I’ll send you some ear plugs Kristin! Yes you guys are suckers but its great training for when you are expecting.

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