What does the Lord have you reading in this new year?
I have a really bad habit of reading anywhere between 3-5 books at one time. One of the associate pastors here at RiverStone the other day asked me if I had read all the books on my bookshelf. Unfortunately my response was that I’ve started at least 95% of them and probably only finished about 50% of them. You would think this would keep me from purchasing new books, but I have a slight addiction (kinda like the one I have to cute notecards) to books. Anything that will challenge me in my walk with the Lord–I have to have my hands on!
I came home from OneThing with a few new books that I started to read–until last Thursday when I went to Intercession and the Lord blessed me with the book, “Happy Intercessor” by Beni Jonhson.
I have a few things I’m working on tonight–such as reference letters, etc. that I need to get back to–but I had to share this quote with you from this book. May it touch your heart as it’s touched the depths of mine.
“God is waiting for us to enter into Him. He is longing for us to see His world, to see into that glorious realm of His Kingdom. He wants us to partner with Him for heavenly breakthrough.”
So…a) what are you reading? b) how does God speak to you through this quote? If I get a chance, I’ll comment more on this tomorrow! For now, enjoy HIM!
So, I am reading this book called, “Redeeming Love.” Have you heard of it? I know…you are sooo proud of me!