Oh, Maddie…

Robert and I have had a really busy week this week and our precious, precious, can do no wrong, Maddie let us know how she felt about us leaving her alone so much this week.  Here’s how our dear one looked upon our arrival home one evening:
The best part about this picture–it was the first, but not the last time we came home to this scene this week—and on this occasion–the puppy pad that she destroyed–she tinkled on first—which meant she smelled like tinkle….so once again we had an emergency bath.  You would think she would learn! 🙂
She’s growing so quickly!!  She went for her 9 week check up last week and she had doubled her weight since her 6 week check up–weighing in at 12 pounds!!  How do you gain 6 pounds in 3 weeks???  Geesh….
We hope this picture makes you smile–because even though it was a pain to clean it up–and her–all we really could do was laugh.  Oh, the joys in life…

2 Replies to “Oh, Maddie…”

  1. I came home one night and Scout had shredded his bed. It looked like it had snowed in the house because he had flung the foam (that was once in his bed to make it soft) all around the downstairs. Although he had fun in his mischief, I did not have fun picking it up. 🙂 Doggies are wonderful, though!

  2. i am so glad you are enjoying your new puppy, It is such a gift to know that no matter what you do her love will alyaws be unconditional.Ever wonder why dog is God spelled backwards?-UNCONDITIONAL! Love her and enjoy His gift to you. Love you too, miss you, Dawn

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