His eyes…

A little over a week ago I wrote about how the Lord was stripping me of the things that had become my identity.  As He’s been doing that, He’s also been revealing the things that are desires and passions in my heart.  My friend Heidi just sent me this video and it left me speechless.  So much so, I had to share it with you.  It reminded me of a time in my life that I walked asking the Lord for His eyes.  Yes, I still do this, but back in the day with my friend Heidi, we could not be in the car together without it ending up with our vehicle being on the side of the road ministering to someone.  With Richmond Hill having I-95 running through it, the opportunities the Lord gave us to share about His love and salvation were endless.  

Having moved to North Atlanta–I haven’t stopped on the side of the road once.  Is it that I don’t have my friend Heidi?  Is it that I don’t have my eyes open or heart stirred?  When I lived in RH, I brought youth to downtown Atlanta to minister to the homeless.  What has happened to me?  I’m sitting here pondering, do I even see homeless people anymore?   I now live in West Cobb County–I live 3 miles from the church and I’m able to drive all back roads, so never seeing a major interstate or highway.  I’ve gone 9 months without stopping on the side of the road and sharing Jesus with a stranger.  
I don’t really know where I’m going with this blog or what I’m trying to convey to you, but even as the Lord has been stripping me of the things I’ve become known for, there are still passions deep in my heart to see the Nations come to Him.  So, I might not be going International this year, but I am asking the Lord to refresh my compassion.  To let my heart breaks as His does.  To let me see things the way He does.  I’m asking for divine interactions.  I’m going to not only look on the streets, but ask the Lord who He wants me to talk to–whether it be my waiter in a restaurant or someone at Wal-mart.  I want to see the earth the way He sees it….Break my heart for what breaks Yours Jesus.
**For those of you getting this in an email or newsfeed, you don’t want to miss this video.  
Please take the time to check it out by clicking here.

2 Replies to “His eyes…”

  1. Life is filled with seasons. We can only experience the one in which we areby His grace, living. Blessings.

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