Follow Up

On Monday I wrote about His eyes.  Asking the Lord to give my His eyes and to break my  heart for what breaks His.  I received some very encouraging words since then–thank you to those special people in my life–and wanted to share with you my experience and open the floor up to hear from you–has the Lord broken your heart lately over what breaks His?  I will confess–I am not a preacher, but a teacher.  When I speak, I like interaction.  I want responses.  So here’s opening up the comments to you–let’s hear what the Lord has shown you lately and how he’s used you.

For me, on Monday after writing that blog I was in constant prayer asking the Lord to give me His eyes.  To not let me walk through the day not aware of Him or His Spirit.  Monday evening I found myself at Barnes and Nobles (perfect date night with the Hubby!) and I noticed this lady walk hastily past the aisle I was sitting in (common practice of mine–to sit on the floor in an aisle at a bookstore).  A little while later a visit to the ladies room was needed, so I headed that way.  While I was in there I heard the door open and I knew it was her.  So I came out to find her at the sink washing her hands.  I said hello and asked her how her day was going.  She mumbled a lot and it was hard to understand her and I had to keep asking her to repeat herself (nice, right–not going as well as I had hoped!).  Finally she looked at me and said, “Let me guess–you’re 17.”  That comment totally took me off guard.  A smile came across my face and I proceeded to tell her that no, actually I turn 30 this year, but thank you for the encouragement.  We exchanged a few other words, but not much as we walked out the ladies room together.  I told her to have a good day and again thank you for encouraging me.  SOOO…moral of the story–I don’t really have one.  I kept asking the Lord how He felt about her and what He wanted to say to her.  All I heard was the word “encourage.”  But obviously, instead she encouraged me.  I also learned that I should probably take a shower, not wear jeans and a tshirt, hair in a ponytail and no make up on if I want to be considered being close to my age.  Oh well, the closer 30 gets–the more I enjoy those “17” comments.  
So, tell me what the Lord has shown you–and if you don’t have a comment to put in the comment box just yet, let me encourage you to enjoy Him today.  Let me share with you something I read this morning from Smith Wigglesworth, 
“Are you ready to be so in God’s plan that you will feel God’s hand upon you?  You will know that He has chosen you, so that you might be a firstfruit unto God.”

“Are you ready for the Lord to have His choice, so that His will and purpose will be yours, so that the “Amen” of His character may sweep through your very nature, and so that you may know as you have never known before that this is the day of the visitation between you and Him?”
“No matter how you come into great faith and believing God, God says, “Much more abundantly, much more.”