Please Pray For My Family

I share a few pictures with you tonight to ask you to pray and to give you some faces to those you are praying for! Thank you for those of you that have already spent time before the Throne of God on behalf of my family. The weather today has been more than we can express in words here in Atlanta (you should google it to see what our city looks like tonight!)–but tonight, at 10pm, all is well–all of our family is safely here and everything is going to go as planned.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 7am, my Mom will be donating her kidney to her brother, my Uncle Ronny. We would appreciate all prayer warriors out there to cover them!
Here are some faces for you, all from my sisters wedding last August:
Uncle Ronny:
Mom and her girls:
The Smith Family:
Thank you for loving us so well. I promise to update as soon as I know details!

2 Replies to “Please Pray For My Family”

  1. May the peace of Papa fill your heart, as well as your Uncle Ronny's and your mothers. Love you, Kristin! 🙂 ….Hellen 🙂

  2. Jennifer Ciarletta says:

    Kristin…praying for your sweet mama..what a brave woman and dear to offer (it's one thing to say you'll do it and another to actually follow through!) We'll be praying for her today!

    Jesus, we ask that today You be in all the details of both surgeries. We pray for quick and easy healing of Kristin's mom and acceptance of the new kidney and healing for her Uncle Ronnie. More so Jesus, be present in their thoughts, their bodies and in everyone who comes in contact with them. Let this all be done for Your glory and Your fame.

    (Love those pics at Isle of Hope…remember…He is that today..your isle of hope!

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