Very, Very Excited About…

Please meet the new
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Haley
(aka Shua and Jordan)
**Don’t know who the random guy is in the background!
The beautiful cake:
I know this pics a little fuzzy–but I love Shua’s expression!
We love Shua and Jordan! We realized today that this is our first RiverStone wedding and not only that, our first wedding of new friends the Lord has brought to us in this new chapter in our lives! We loved being a part of their special day today, as this couple is very, very special. It was a very fun wedding and the type of wedding that we were all doing fine till the GROOM started crying! Then we all lost it. Oh, such a precious moment!!! Regarding this couple, Daniel summed it up well when we he started the celebration service with, “Hell is angry, Heaven is rejoicing in this moment. The couple before us is dangerous!” Amen and Amen!
Thank you Shua and Jordan for being such incredible people on a path to make HIS name known. Y’all are beautiful and we loved being there to celebrate with you today!