
If you look up the definition of brave it states, “possessing or exhibiting courage.” Can I tell you my definition of brave? How bout I show you my definition….
My Mom. And today is her birthday. And during this past year of her life she demonstrated to all of us a new level of brave. Most of you know the unconditional love she showed and the sacrifice she made–because you carried my family through that time with your thoughts and prayers–but I do want to pause today, on her special day, to recognize her. As she sacrificially gave a kidney to her brother just over a month ago, I watched a little woman under 5 feet tall walk in such a way of “possessing courage.” She never once hesitated. She never once thought what this would mean for her. She challenged all of us to think about someone other than ourselves. And as they wheeled her into her hospital room following the surgery, she has never looked so beautiful.
Today we honor her. Robert and I are in a season of not being able to do much, but we asked the Lord to show us what we could do and this is what He showed us. Today mom, on your special day, we made a donation to the National Kidney Foundation in Honor of YOU. We share this here publicly to:
a) Honor You
b) to bring awareness to the National Kidney Foundation
c) to use your story to challenge others today to think how they may give to others
d) ask others to pray about supporting this cause as well. {If the Lord leads you, and you are interested in supporting the National Kidney Foundation, please click here for their Donation Site.}
Thank you Mom for setting such a high standard for all of us. May today be a day you feel honored and loved. May this year be a year full of overwhelming blessings and even more supernatural encounters with our Lord Jesus.
We love you oh so very much and wish more than anything we could be there to celebrate you on your special day.
Robert & Kristin

2 Replies to “Brave.”

  1. Mrs. Sandy is an awesome woman, and she has brought two more awesome women into the world! Happy Birthday Mrs. Sandy!!

  2. Kristin & Robert, Thank you sweet children. You made me laugh and cry today. You have so blessed me with your presence and your love. Thanks for surrounding me today. I miss you but you are so near in my heart. With much love from your little mama!

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