Hi friends!  I love the new Top 5 Friday series that’s over on my friend Annie’s Blog….so much so, I thought I’d bring it over to our blog.

This Friday we’re listing our top 5 songs.  How do you find out this info?  Go into your itunes, open your music list, click on “plays” and it will list them by the most plays.

Here are mine:

Now it’s your turn!  What are your top five???

And just because I want to (and I love these songs so much) here are some linky links to my favorite songs!

#1 Rita Springer–I Call You.  If itunes could track how many times I actually listen to this song a week, it’d be ridiculous.  I have this on a cd in my car and it’s the first song Jude and I listen to when we crank up the car.  We sing of Who He is.  LOVE IT!!!

#2 Kristene Mueller-Jamie’s Song.  Robert told me once that this song reminded him of me….so I listen to it a lot.

#3 Surrender-Kim Walker.  I spoke at a high school last year and this song was sang during worship.  After I spoke, I asked the worship leader to close our time together with ministry time and this song.  I immediately came home and looked it up and still listen to it often.

#4 Rita Springer-Make You Happy.  I love me some Rita.  For real.  Worth it all was a theme song in my life for a good five year period. During that time I was baptized at one of her conferences….then I moved to RiverStone and she has come and led worship here a couple of times.  While she was here, she sang this song along with my #1.  She also sang, “In this Forever.”  Yes, go look those up too—In this forever and Worth it all.  Enjoy.

#5 Isa-Beautiful (it’s #2 on the site).  I met Isa a few years back at an IHOP-ATL conference and then she came to RiverStone last year.  She led us in this song and I was undone.

Now it’s your turn!