We were out of town last Friday on vacation and I stepped away from social media for a few days (even left the computer at home!) So InstaFriday (on a Saturday) is a little longer with 2 weeks worth!
I’m linking up with Jeanett for InstaFriday. A marvelous idea to share our mobile pictures from the week. Some are just from the phone, some are using the marvelous Instagram App!
Little Buddy took to rolling all over the crib–and many a nights he woke up screaming and we had to run in and unstick him. The new recommendations say not to put bumpers in cribs at all. We did the screaming/unstick thing for two weeks. We just put the bumpers in for the last two nights. He slept 12 hours last night. Thank you Jesus!
My two men. Love them.
Sunday Morning Worship at RiverStone
Mommy son lunch
This came in the mail. Very excited about it.
Sermon prep at it’s finest!
My punkin
On our way out of town for vacation…..and hubby is my hero…changing that tire!
Jude and I sat inside the gas station
where they had a little patio table next to the
hot dog stand!
Aniston ready for the beach!
Jude’s first trip to the beach!
Jude likes the crab shack!
Aniston and Jude loved the beach!
We were at the beach to celebrate Dad’s 60th birthday!
It was a great weekend!
And the sand!
Aniston and I
Mom kept the baby and I went to a
Sand Gnats game with my Daddy and my Hubby!
Love those giggles
And that smile!
My parents kept the baby and I got
a date day with my hubs!
We went to one of our favorite little spots for breakfast!
We had lunch too, but I forgot to take a picture of Soho Cafe!
Way home from vacation we stopped in Macon
to visit with Jude’s other grandparents…
and McDad
Home at last….and our new thing is sucking our toes!
Jude has a new disappearing act….
This is usually where we can find him…..
Impromptu date night with my family….dinner (thanks to gift cards!)
And we tried out a new frozen yogurt place!