My baby boy, you are seven months old already! You are a true joy and pure delight! You continue to learn new things and amaze us with each new day! You’ve mastered the art of sitting up! You still army crawl everywhere you need to go… but you do try to get up on those […]
Month: October 2011
Jude Robert, You Are Seven Months Old
My baby boy, you are seven months old already! You are a true joy and pure delight! You continue to learn new things and amaze us with each new day! You’ve mastered the art of sitting up! You still army crawl everywhere you need to go… but you do try to get up on those […]
Jude Robert, You Are Seven Months Old
My baby boy, you are seven months old already! You are a true joy and pure delight! You continue to learn new things and amaze us with each new day! You’ve mastered the art of sitting up! You still army crawl everywhere you need to go… but you do try to get up on those […]
It’s Friday again….which means it’s InstaFRIDAY!!! I’m linking up again with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged. InstaFRIDAY is such a fun way of sharing my cell phone pics from the week. Some are used from the Instagram app, the others are just plain ole, plain ole! Jude and I have started walking each afternoon. Here’s one […]