What I Wore Wednesday

Hi friends!  Here we are — another Wednesday upon us!

What I wore Wednesday is a way to hold one another accountable
to putting effort in what we wear each day.  This has definitely
helped me get out of the rut I was in!

As for this week-
I did put effort into every day
(okay, not Saturday)
but my photographer started a new job…
then day light savings ended…
I digress…
All that to say, I only have two outfits to share with you!

(earrings in both outfits!)
beautiful gift from my hubs
arrived just days after our sons birth
I stumbled upon these gray flats at Walmart and
love them.  Who knew!
This was the perfect cloudy/rainy/office outfit!
And I am so excited to introduce you to my new necklaces!
They are premiering this weekend
(we’ll be there from 9-12 THIS SATURDAY!!!)
These necklaces are made of with all natural 
wood beads-perfect for my little teether!
{don’t have a little one-these make the perfect accessory-
minus the baby on your hip!}
Hope to see you this Saturday on the Square!
I’m linking up today:
pleated poppy