We took a week off…but we’re back with InstaFRIDAY again!  Linking up with Jeannett again!  A fun way to share our cell phone pics through out the week!  Some are with the instagram app–others are just the plain ole cell phone.  Either way, it’s a fun way to share life with one another!
We have officially entered into this stage:

A quiet morning at Starbucks in the Word.  Good for the heart.

Aunt Mia surprised us with a visit!

The same weekend we got to hang out with our Grace Ann!

Pure Bliss.

First Taste of Dairy!

Look at my big boy!

Can’t. Get. Enough. Of. This. Little. Boy.

Yay for every other Thursday 
when we pick up our Farmer’s Market Basket!

I’m having some nursing issues–one of the things the specialist
have me doing is drinking lots and lots of fluids….

And I have to eat a high fat/high protein snack every time Jude eats…here’s my stash so far.Thanks to all my lovely friends on Facebook,I have plenty more suggestions to try!

I had a craft fair this past Saturday….and I’m participating in the Indie Craft ExperiencePop Up Shop…So this occurs on more than one occasion….

Love these two.

And this is what my phone looked like when we left
for my craft fair on Saturday….
A shout out to McDad who loaded up the car,
took me down to the square,
unloaded, set up, and spent the morning with me!

And teething necklaces made their 
first grand appearance!

McMom brought Jude to visit 🙂

Sunday-taking Product Pictures and 

First Peppermint Mocha of the season.

Love this sleepy head, bead head, still in the pj’s
on a rainy morning look.

Hubs had an early morning breakfast meeting
before we had our early morning post-op surgery appointment for Jude…
Hubs brought me this before the appointment!
(Dunkin is my love language!)

I’m linking up!Have a great weekend friends!
life rearranged

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

4 Replies to “InstaFRIDAY”

  1. gotta love quiet times at starbucks! have a great weekend.

    coming over from insta-friday.

  2. first, your kid is adorable! I hope to meet him soon! second, love the activity table. We got Ruthie one for Christmas. How does Jude like it? Third, I think I may need to invest in one of your teething necklaces. Can I get one at your Etsy shop?

  3. looks like a busy week. and those coffee pics have me running to my keurig. 🙂

  4. Yay Peppermint Mocha! I haven't had one this year yet. 🙁

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