What I Wore Wednesday

 It’s Wednesday!
It’s the day each week that we hold each other accountable
to putting effort into what we wear!
The accountability works for me!
How bout you?
It was a week of staying home with a sick baby!
But I did manage to dress up for a wedding
(and failed to take pictures!)
And dress up for a Woman’s Tea
at our church.
For this outfit, I shopped my closet.
The purple skirt
was my Eater dress a few years back.
Black cardigan I’ve had for years.
Along with the black beaded necklace.
Tights-target or was it walmart or my mom’s closet?
Gray shirt over dress-Marshalls
Fluffy socks-Stocking stuffer favorite
Boots-only thing new-my Black Friday find at Charlotte Russe!
How’d you do this week?
I’m linking up!
pleated poppy