Early last Sunday I set out from my downtown Boston hotel room, fully packed up and ready, excited, and a little nervous for what the next four days would hold. I met my new friend Sue, and we headed out of the city via rental car. We drove the couple of beautiful hours out of […]
Author: Kristin
Over the weekend we were finally home after a super busy summer and we were working on home projects. I noticed in our laundry room our calendar that I absolutely love and tend to keep pretty updated – was still on May. At first glance, I could attribute this to a typical summer in youth […]
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.
Many of you friends have probably seen the amazing FLASH SALE going on with my beloved company YOUNG LIVING Essential Oils this week! There’s so much goodness going on, I thought I would pick my TOP FIVE for you! *Disclaimer – they are ALL GOOD and this is an amazing GRATITUDE sale from Young Living […]
Fresh Starts.
I always like a fresh start. I like the start of a New Year, a new month, a new week even. Each weekend I like to sit down and map out our week and look at the week ahead with a clean slate and much anticipation. (passion planner anyone?) With that said, I had/have high […]
Through the Eyes of a Child.
One morning I came downstairs and all the figures of the Nativity Scene were turned inward. I asked Robert if he had done such a thing and he said no. Of course that left only one person guilty. I asked little man if he had turned the Nativity Scene that I had so intricately placed […]
Simply Rest.
Advent. It is such a beautiful season and calling in the midst of what some call the busiest time of the year. Holiday parties, presents to buy, cards to address, all while The still small voice beckons, “My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me” (Song […]
A New Season
With a new season comes a need for a fresh start, a face lift one may call it. Welcome to the “face lift.” So glad you made it! This little blog has been a piece of our families journey for almost ten years now. TEN! Can you believe it? In less than 10 days, […]
Over the Valley, Through the Jungle, Across the Pond…Jesus said Go.
I love what I do. I love my students. I love seeking the Lords heart for my students. I love hearing His heart for my students. I love when I don’t have a clue what it is He wants us to do. I believe it is out of this state of desperation that He comes […]
Praise the Invisible
(**This blog was written on the airplane out to California before my 26.2. That update coming soon!**) No matter the run, no matter the distance, “somehow” my “random” shuffle of a playlist plays a Daniel Bashta song as the last song of my run. It blows my mind every time that Jesus even dictates the […]
Jesus, Pneumonia, and a Marathon
I am less than two months past pneumonia and less than two weeks out from my first marathon. According to doctors I should still be hacking up my lungs. I only have one explanation for this and His name is Jesus. On my run yesterday (it was only a 5 miler) I was worshipping and […]