A friend of ours here at RiverStone (she has a couple of kids in our youth group) had an article published today on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network). We thought we’d pass it on to you! Bling Bling by Susan Norris
Author: Kristin
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!
I absolutely love fall! Always have…from the weather that allows you to leave your windows open, to Saturdays enjoying Georgia football (GO DAWGS!)–to harvest, pumpkins (the sugar ones of course) to the leaves changing. I’ve especially enjoyed it this year as it’s our first fall in north Georgia together. We were able to escape a […]
Picnik Anyone?
Have you ever heard of Picnik?? A dear friend of mine let me in on this nifty little website and it is way too much fun! It’s a photo editing website and the great thing about it is you don’t have to upload photos to it to play with them–you can use the albums you […]
Veterans Day
Today is Veterans Day–instead of just having a momentary thought of the bank is closed and the mail won’t come today–take a moment to watch these videos. They are short–but I pray they will impact you. I pray this will impact you to pray–
The Challenge–
Yesterday morning I spent 45 minutes praying for our President-Elect Obama and for our nation WITH a group of 6th grade girls. How precious of a moment this was for me to be in a prayer room with these girls seeking His face, together praying for a man that a week ago-being honest here-I was […]
Praying for President-Elect Obama
I’ve tried for days to put my thoughts into words–I woke up Wednesday morning with an urgency to pray for our President-Elect Obama. Below is an email I received that puts it better than I could, so I thought I’d share it with you. Wednesday, November 5, 200810 Ways to Pray for Barack ObamaWhether you […]
Thursday Mornings
As for NaBloPoMo–I totally missed yesterday! Ah–grace please! 🙂 Pressing on–this is what I would have written had I had the chance yesterday– Since moving to Marietta the Lord has blessed me with many incredible opportunities–one being the opportunity to hang out with lots of great people who are head over heals in love with […]
Websters definition of transition is: a passage from one state, stage, subject or place to another: change. Which leads us to the next definition–of change–to make radically different. The thing I’ve learned the past few months is that transition is NOT easy…but when you are walking in the way of the Lord–it makes it a […]
Election Day
If you get a chance today, for a word of encouragement, go to Beth Moore’s blog: Psalm 118:24 **Side Note–For NaBloPoMo I promise not to just give you links to other blogs–I really am going to try to write them–but the Beth Moore blog was too good to not pass on!
So…a friend of mine is nablopomoing it (did i just make nablopomo into a verb?). Ever since I read her orginal blog, here, I’ve been challenged by it. I’ve been contemplating this idea ever since reading it on Sunday. So what is nablopomo? It’s a challenge to blog every day for a month! Every day! […]