Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Harvey

Don’t worry-we haven’t dropped off the face of the earth-we’re just in a really busy season! I’ll blog more on that later!
For now, here’s a teaser from Ricky and Amanda’s wedding this past weekend. I had the honor of being the Matron of Honor and stood by her side as she became Mrs. Ricky Harvey.
Each video is only 30 seconds long-we all have time for that! Enjoy!
Bridal Brunch hosted by mom and I at mom’s house and we served Lisa Lyle Grits! 🙂
Wedding Day-I don’t have many of the actual day. We’ll have to wait till she gets the professional pics back! She is a BEAUTIFUL BRIDE!!!!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Harvey! Thank you for letting me be apart of your special day! Robert and I love you!