Mr. and Mrs. Luke Goddard

As promised from this post (and some of you mentioned that you’ve seen this video before–you probably have, because TLC actually picked it up and aired it on their network!) here are a few pictures from part two of our back to back weekend wedding extravaganza. (If you missed part one-click here).
If you had to ask me who Robert’s best friend is, I would say, Luke Goddard. This is a man that Robert talks of often and I know he misses greatly. It was a huge honor for Robert to stand by his side as Luke became a husband.
Everything about this couple reflects how they love Jesus. The Rehearsal Dinner was nothing but speech after speech giving glory and honor for how they both know and love this Man Jesus. There was an 80% chance of rain on their wedding day-for their outdoor wedding-but I believe Jesus parted the skies and it was a beautiful day just for them! It was an honor just to be there.
Here are a few pics of this fantabulous weekend!
At the Rehearsal Dinner:
Cole, Robert, Luke and John.
I’m a details kinda girl and LOVED all of Drew’s little touches that made this wedding absolutely marvelous: (And when your husband is in the bridal party you have time to take pictures of the little details while he’s off taking official pictures!)
They had already moved the chairs on this side by the time I got to capture the picture, but I love the colors of the ribbons!
I like trees. I like taking pictures of trees. I especially like taking pictures of trees with pretty ribbons tied around them!
This is where they stood to say “I do”!!
Um. I joke a lot about finding a hole and staying there. If I ever go missing–this might just be where you can find me.
And finally–the beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Goddard:
The very beautiful Bridal Party:
Robert & His Mom:
Robert and his friend Michael Walker:
The beautiful cakes:
Robert & the Groom:
I met these people for the first time during the wedding weekend, but can I just say I love them! Travis & Charis Spann. Travis officiated the wedding and we had the privilege of sitting with them and Mr. Charlie Walker at the Rehearsal Dinner and we had a fabulous evening with them. I feel our paths will cross again with this sweet couple:
John and I-He was one of our groomsman and one of Robert’s really good friends! This pics just for you John!
Robert & His boys-John and Kyle (both in our wedding too!)

And they are off-for a week long honeymoon in Hawaii!
Congratulations Luke & Drew! We are so excited for you. We love the way you love Jesus and we are so excited for how He is going to use the two of you together for His Kingdom.
Luke, thank you for being my husbands best friend. Thank you for loving him well. I know he wouldn’t be the person he is today with out you.