Aniston’s Hospital Pictures-Part One

**Still playing catchup here on the ole blog! 🙂
Most of these pictures made it onto Facebook, but I wanted to post these onto our blog for those that didn’t get to see them. This first set is from my phone, so please excuse the quality of them!

For those that missed her birthday post, click here.
Proud about to be Dad and Grandma’s:
Here she is, after just making her beautiful grand entrance!
Party favors for the big event:
One Day Old:
We love being an Aunt and Uncle!!!! More pictures to come…

2 Replies to “Aniston’s Hospital Pictures-Part One”

  1. Kristin, Aniston is beautiful! I'm so excited for you and Robert and I know you will be an amazing aunt and uncle to that little girl. She is blessed to have both of you!

  2. I feel so guilty that I don't really have a comment about the baby, she is beautiful and you will love being an aunt. But I came by to see who was going to Beth Morre from Kelly's Korner and was excited when I saw you were from Ga also , I live in Canton and my parent just started going to Riverstone and my husband is headed there tonight with my dad, I just thought it was to cool that I found someone close. I love your blog your trust in God is inspiring, I live in the house I grew up in I can't guess how I would feel if he asked me to move.?

    Anyway I just wanted to say hi, enjoy being an aunt it is a blessing.

    Charity Jones
    BTW my parents are Goss and Angie Keener

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