Love Came Down

I’ve been meaning to share this song with all of you for some weeks now. The week before Robert and I went on vacation, we worshipped to this song at Staff Prayer. Then that Wednesday night at Youth we had a group from Bethel-Atlanta come and they led us in worship to this song…and I was overwhelmed two days in a row. So…if you know anything about me…when God uses a song to minister to my heart…I listen to it on repeat….for a really long time. Thankfully the Lord gave me a husband who is okay with this. We listened to this song pretty much our entire vacation. And today–the day between Good Friday and Easter seems like the appropriate day to share it.

He is so good. Take a moment today, be still, hit play on this video (for those that receive this in a email or feed, there’s a video here…you don’t want to miss it).

Fall head over heels, madly in love with your Bridegroom today. Jesus, I am forever Yours.