October Birthdays

We have lots of reasons to celebrate in October….here are just a few 🙂

River turned 2 at the beginning of October!
Can you believe it?
Look at that little man all grown up!
Ah, it feels like just yesterday he graced us with his presence!
We travelled to Perry for Dindi’s (Robert’s Grandfather) 
80th Birthday Celebration!
It was a great night with LOTS of family and friends
and a perfect way to celebrate 
an incredible man!

Mid October brings us a day to celebrate
our McDad (Robert’s Father).
I love this picture as it’s a perfect
example of how Robert feels about his dad–
he will forever look up to this man as 
he is a man of great wisdom
(and humor if you’re wondering where
Robert gets his sense of humor).
The second half of October brings the special day
that Marynan (Robert’s sister) and I share a birthday.
Such a joy to share this day with this special lady.
She turned 22 this year!
Finally, our last birthday of October celebrates 
a very special lady (and her birthday happens to be today)..
My Mommy! 
It’s days like today that make it hard to be 4.5 hours away,
but I’m grateful for her
and the blessing she is to me.
There’s no one else I’d rather have my birthday get confused with!