Quality Time…good for the heart

For those of you that know me….quality time is my number one love language.

Considering Robert hasn’t been to Savannah since August and I had a blink of an eye trip in September…today was really good for the ole heart.

We got to love on this little one…

Aniston is getting so big!!!  She now has 4 teeth….
and is standing up on her own!

Spent some time with our nephew Forest (can you find Robert?)

We got to love on our little River!

And share a cup of coffee (decaf of course) with the best friend….
There was also a Smith/McLendon/Eure family photo shoot…but we can’t release those just yet!
We got in so late yesterday, we were grateful to have today to rest with our family and friends.  Pictures of our Saturday of weddings to come soon!

**This is Day 7 of NaBloPoMo**