This is Day 30…

Did anyone else catch that on the end of my last blog?  And a huge chorus went up with a big Hallelujah!  Here we are on December 1st…and I made it!  With only one night that I wasn’t able to blog, but I did at least sign in and say hello!  Not sure if you want to count that or not.  There were only a few moments that I thought, I really don’t want to blog today, but it was encouraging to keep on pressing on.  And in all honesty, I really enjoyed it.  I use to blog a lot more than I do now and it was a good way to get back into it. The blog started with being called “The McLendon Whereabouts” when we were in the process of moving away from all immediate family and we wanted a way to keep in touch.  I know not everyone cares about our day to day details, but it’s good for the fam and good for my heart to share.  Especially now that we have a little one on the way! All that to say, thank you for your support.  Thank you for your sweet comments.  Thank you for loving on us and sharing life with us.  Thanks for coming along for the National Blog Posting Month!

And lookathere—it’s not even  NaBloPoMo anymore and you’re still getting a blog from me!  I hope that’s okay with you!!!

And on this chilly Wednesday (it FINALLY stopped raining–for those of you that got my twitter about me be grumpy due to the rain and not able to take Etsy pictures….) but hello high of 44 (but currently feels like 30….eeekkk!!!!)  we’re being featured over on Good Times Never Seem Sew Good today!!  And there is a Kristin’s Kreation giveaway….

Which might just be this lovely item:

I’m loving these Farmer Market Totes.  Hope to get some in the shop asap!
And well there’s lots of incredible giveaways on her blog this week, so you need to go on over there!
Happy Wednesday friends!