what i wore wednesday

pleated poppy

Alright. I’m gonna do it. {And this is a very honest post–sorry guys!}  I’ve been reading “What I Wore Wednesday” posts for months now (maybe even a year?!?), but I wouldn’t dare jump in.  When these posts started appearing, I was pregnant and even though I posted weekly pictures of my growing bump, I wasn’t going to post “fashion” posts with my maternity wear.  Even though I was very blessed by multiple people helping me with maternity gear–I wasn’t at my best!

Then came post pregnancy and the wardrobe became a nightmare.  I gained 50 pounds with my beloved little Jude.  I lost 30 pounds by blinking.  Then the scale sat on the same number–and has for months now.  So….maternity clothes didn’t fit.  My old clothes didn’t fit (and I’m coming to terms with the fact that I will probably never fit back into my 00Petite pants–the hips, yeah, never to be the same again!).  This lead to a mini breakdown every morning.  Every. Single. Morning.

Then came my birthday and thanks to birthday money a new wardrobe was in order!!!  And big hoorays were shouted!!!  I haven’t finished my shopping, but I have gotten some great new pieces and I’m very excited about them!  So excited, I thought I would jump in to WWIW for the very first time!

So here we go–What I Wore Wednesday is a place for accountability to put effort into what we wear each day (it’ll make me think twice about those jeans, a youth t-shirt, and a hat days!).

I only have one outfit to share with you today….but it’s a start right?  And I’ve only ventured out to TJ Maxx and Marshalls so far, so sorry bout that!

 **Um, didn’t get brave enough to take a picture by myself…but Jude does make for the cutest accessory doesn’t he!?**

And also for my birthday my hubby bought me what I asked for….P90X….and for him to do it with me.  We are spending this week getting everything we need to get started, then next week we are jumping in.  So not only do I hope to jump in to WWIW, I hope to use this blog as accountability to lose those last 20 pounds.  Hope you don’t mind me being honest and sharing this side of my life.  The goal is not only be back to my beginning weight–but in better shape than before I was pregnant by Jude’s 1st birthday (March 5th!).  That’s reasonable right?  Thanks for being along for the ride!

4 Replies to “what i wore wednesday”

  1. You look adorable! And so does Jude… I can't believe how big he's getting! They grow up way too fast 🙂

  2. Your headband is super cute!! And, you absolutely get points for Jude posing on your hip… babies make the cutest accessories (imo). I remember trying to find clothes after I had my first little guy… many MANY tears were shed.

    Hope you have a great week,

  3. You look so cute!!

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