Jude Robert, You Are Nine Months Old

 My baby Jude!
You are 9 months old!!
You must forgive me for this photo shoot-
you did not feel well at all,
yet, I still was determined to get your sweet picture!
We went to the doctor on your 9 month birthday!
You weighed in at 18 pounds, 8 ounces.
You also started treatment
for bronchitis and whooping cough.
Your 9th month was super sweet
and full of sugar.
You are still my snuggly little one.
Melts my heart every time you get in your mama’s arms,
put your thumb in your mouth,
and lay your head down on my shoulder.
Will you always like to snuggle?
During your 9th month we officially introduced
dairy (since we are not counting what your Geezer has slipped you).
You started eating yogurt (the whole milk, plain kind)!
Your favorite breakfast treat is yogurt and bananas!
You eat a whole banana almost every morning!
We also introduced meat to you.
And this face above….
Yep, that’s what you look like when
we give you chicken.
We’re not giving up on it just yet though!
(We’ve also added things like plums, white potatoes, 
and spinach to your diet!  Sweet potatoes are still your #1 choice!)
You celebrated your first Thanksgiving!
You were the cutest little turkey!
You loved spending good, quality time
with your Perry Family.
(And you ate turkey too!)
At 8 months and 1 day,
you popped tooth #5.
And you’ve been holding steady with
those 5 little teeth.
You wear mainly 9 & 12 month clothing.
You can still fit into some 6-9 month clothes.
You are still on the second notch on 
your cloth diapers.
And if you have to wear disposables,
you are in a size 3.
You are still my sleeping little machine.
You do great on your schedule
and we’re proud of you for it!
You are the master army crawler!
You will get up on your knees, rock some,
get a little forward progress going,
then decide it’s much quicker to do
the army crawl!
You are quick!
You get everywhere you want to be!
You pull up on EVERYTHING.
You like to stand 
and now greet me in your crib 
each morning standing up!
We are now into the Christmas season.
You’ve had your picture taken with Santa 
and you loved him!
You love looking at the tree and playing
with the ornaments that we say are okay to play with!
We love making memories with you.
You are precious my child.
Thank you for 9 beautiful months!

One Reply to “Jude Robert, You Are Nine Months Old”

  1. Jude is popping out teeth almost as fast as Ruthie. Don't they know this isn't a race to grow up?

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